Revelation Now

Gigantic UFO Returns to Sun

Last week, if you read the article and watched the video for the article titled “2012: Is Biblical Prophecy Almost Fulfilled?“, you would have seen a gigantic UFO, looking like it was charging from the Sun.  At 12:40 into the video you see it and it is a perfect semi-circle.   It did not appear to be natural and it jetted away at amazing speed.  It definitely makes you wonder what is happening in Space and with the Sun.

Now there is another video (from the Solar Dynamics Observatory) of the Sun where a perfect circle shaped object pulls up to the Sun and parks. There is a physicality to the object because a solar flare erupts and is deflected by the object.  I have no idea what it is and I think we need to spend more time analyzing this video.

Take a shot and leave a comment on what you think about it.

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