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InfoWars Shape Shifter?

First, let me say I could never get behind the David Icke shape-shifter theory. In my opinion it is to easy to fake these days with computer technology.  I have seen the reptilian pupil slit video of President Bush Sr. speaking and it looks real but you can never be sure. If I have any doubts I just can’t touch it.

Today was different because I am allegedly watching an Alex Jones Info Wars reporter and his eyes and mouth change during the news report several times! I thought to  myself how is this possible just his eyes would change and mouth looked like herpes cold sores appeared! Is this a hoax?

Fast forwarded to 1:20 and 4:58 to see the strange changes to his face


Is this a way for Alex Jones to drive people to his channel? I do not know! Then I asked myself, they had to see this in post production and why would they post this? I have watched Alex Jones since he has been out and his job is to distract and sell fear. I remember when he predicted the USA (years ago) was going to be attacked by nuclear bombs.

He encouraged people to prepare and it never happened. This video does not help his cause because it is straight up creepy. Why this guys face changes is a mystery unless this is edited to look like this. Then what would be the point? Does this not hurt Alex Jones? What will David Icke say when he sees this and has more shape shifting cannon fodder for his presentations?

Let’s see what happens with the video going forward because I have hundreds of videos of my children and even in front of a green screen and this has NEVER happened.


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