Revelation Now

Warned in 2015: EPIC Biblical Judgement Against Houston

Way back in May of 2015, I penned a post titled, “HOUSTON MAYOR AND HER BIBLICAL FLOODING CONNECTION.” In this post I presented the Biblical human relationship between correlation and causation. I used Biblical Scripture to establish the fact the Most High uses weather, earthquakes, and space based events to judge a Nation. The Most High clearly says he uses violent winds and flooding rains to consume it in wrath. The Most High is heated and he is using Houston as the crucible to effect change in the hearts of the American population. 


In my opinion, this gives credence to my theory human generated behavioral energy is emoted like a bubble over a land which (and when reaching critical mass) can have dire consequences, if out of harmony with His universal laws.

Michael Erevna


In my post I made a correlation between the then Mayor of Houston, Annise Parker, who was the first openly gay Mayor of Houston and weather judgments inflicted upon Houston. One of her first nefarious spiritual attacks was to send subpoenas to five pastors, who opposed a rule banning discrimination against gays and lesbians. She later rescinded them, but the Most High sees everything. I also made a correlation between those who turn a blind eye to the LGBT movement under the new ubiquitous tenet of “Tolerism.”



When “Tolerism” is practiced in mass it sets the whole Nation up for judgment from the Most High…especially the leaders. People sadly believe being tolerant has no consequences, but the Most High promises there will be. People do not understand how the Most High operates, but he has beings that control ALL things and they ALL bow to His authority. He gave Houston time to repent and turn away from Chaos, but not much has changed.


But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

– Galatians 1:8

Interestingly enough, Houston, is also the home of mega huckster Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, where he promotes high fructose spiritual teachings to spread spiritual cancer. Osteen, has placed a bull’s eye on the city of Houston as he twist Scripture and creates his own gospel. Osteen’s church has grown to a level the Most High had no other choice, but to destroy the infrastructure of the home of Osteen’s spiritual zombie machine. Lakewood Church has events where they charge people from $150 to $850 to attend!


Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD, “I will make a violent wind break out in My wrath. There will also be in My anger a flooding rain and hailstones to consume it in wrath.

– Ezekiel 13:13

What the sleeping masses do not understand is these are Spiritual Principles which are directly connected to the critical mass of human behavior. There is no escaping them because the Laws of the Most High are immutable. How do you think the Most High views Joel Osteen when he is enabling the sin of homosexuality? The Most High is clear this a sinful behavior in the Old and New Testament yet, Joel Osteen preaches all are included no matter condoning a lifestyle based on the sin.

Jesus told Mary Magdalene to go away and sin no more. The bottom line is we must resist sin and not encourage it. Joel Osten does not only encourage it…he charges for it! Now take a look at Houston and ask yourself if you can understand the wrath of the Most High. He warned Houston in 2015 and more is coming to other cities in America with different judgments. The Most High uses His weather systems in some areas, earthquakes, sink holes, droughts, and solar destruction for others, etc.



In closing, this is sad and unfortunate to see so many people devastated by this Biblical flood. If only people could collectively realize their spiritual choices matter to Most High and they are connected to their future. Maybe, this event will cause people to explore correlation and causation related to their choices? The Most High could have turned the hurricane away from Houston. I have actually seen a small church pray a storm away from their church. Even Jesus demonstrated the ability calm weather using Spirit.



The more people practice “Tolerism” the more endangered their lands will become. The Most High will get you in His time and when He drops it all I can say is…Whoah!

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