Revelation Now

Orion in the Vatican (Episode 1)

Analyst, alchemist, gnostic, and independent researcher, Danny Wilten, discusses his new book “Orion in the Vatican.” In it he connects Hubble Telescope’s Orion nebula images as the inspiration for archetypes used by Vatican artist like Michelangelo and early breathtaking 15th, 16th, 17th century Vatican church architecture. He builds a strong case all ancient cultures paid homage and worshiped the same God represented by diverse archetypes in the Orion nebula…

Due to technical difficulties this interview will be redone in its entirety

Date: November 23. 2012 – 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm (EST)
Host: Michael Erevna
Guest: Danny Wilten

PDF E-Book (Work In Condensed Form) @ http://www.orioninthevatica…
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