Revelation Now

The Wonderful World of Wonky Watchmen

There is a growing number of self appointed “watchmen” who have taken it upon their shoulders to “wake” people up. The problem is they are not truly awake themselves. It appears to be a psychological condition where they believe “God” has chosen them to focus and share all the fear they can find.

They set up pages where they can port all of the fear-based news and inundate the consciousness of people with it. All under the mantle of waking people up. Is this even Biblically sound? What are the guidelines for being a watchman? It appears anyone can be a self appointment watchman and there is nothing more dangerous than this.

They claim by showing others the fear people will run to the teachings of Christ. The irony is fear is not a part of the Kingdom of the Most High. There are no lessons where Christ taught fear to draw people to His Kingdom. Christ does not want you in a state of fear.

The Bible uses the role of a watchman to describe the work of a prophet among God’s people. Is there more to this symbolism than many have understood?

Christ advised all of us to follow His ways and His commandments. So if the watchman “fear obsession” is not part of the Kingdom of Christ . . . then whose is it? These watchmen are actually inadvertent marketers of the Satanic Kingdom. By using fear they are separating people from the true path in name of Christ!

I have been told by a self appointed lady watchman that fear can be used to bring people to Christ. Where is the logic in this when the Word tells us we were not given the spirit of fear? If the Most High is love how can fear be a part of Him? These self appointed watchmen have no training in the true path yet they present themselves ordained by the Most High.

What is the fruit of these fear chasing watchmen? If we take an unsuspecting person who is introduced to these watchmen, what is the effect? When they hear the US Government is going to incarcerate you or FEMA is building deluxe camps to house you. How many of you checked your mail box for color coded dots to see if you had been marked for incarceration many years ago?

How many of you heard underground aliens were coming to your home to abduct you? Or how many saw the video of the sounds of hell from the Russian oil drilling company? How can you hear all of these things and stay in a state of love? Because this is what Christ wants for us all . . . to achieve a state of love.

Christ was the ultimate watchmen yet he did not preach about fear to draw people to His Kingdom. Believe, He could have yet He did not because there is no place for fear in His Kingdom. Christ could have preached about the Roman Empire’s barbaric legal system control methodologies from beheadings to crucifixions.

There were so many negatives about the Roman Empire He could have mounted innumerous sermons on fear driven topics. Christ did not do these things because He taught of spiritual things and not the physical. In essence, these watchmen of today are teaching people to focus on the physical. The lessons Christ taught were for mankind to transcend the physical and tap into our collective spiritual power. Why should I concern myself with these fear based stories when I have no power to stop them? How can I apply fear based outcomes to my spiritual life? In the end these watchmen contribute to conflict and separation in the name of Christ.

One watchman (lady) in particular I will never forget. She was a self appointed watchman or watch-woman, who within 24 hours of knowing me (online), that she was “pissed” at me for a difference of opinion. If you are truly filled with the Holy Spirit you would not behave in this manner. You be filled with peace, love, and understanding.

James 3:11

Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?

You would realize Christ driven truth seekers are at different points on the road and anger has no part in this journey to love. Facebook is a journey into narcissism and gives people a voice that truly did not need one. I had a reader of mine send me an article on Alex Jones from In this article a writer ousted Alex Jones as controlled opposition. It was very well written and clearly presented the case.

I first noticed how was not attacked as was. The shills did not touch the comment section. Alex Jones has tried to set himself up as a watchman but the teachings of Christ and Alex Jones are like snake oil in water. A real watchman is going to represent Christ and “watch” for spiritual things and not just physical.

These watchmen of today scour the Internet for fear based news and then spin it. While saying see look how bad things are…Christ needs you. How does this even tie in with faith? We are told not to become anxious over anything yet these watchmen keep people anxious.

This is part of the plan of the Satanic Kingdom. To keep you in a state of anxiousness and fear so you can not reach harmony with the Kingdom within. If you have fear you have no faith! Fear breeds doubt, insecurity, hate, and separation from the Kingdom; all in the name of the Most High according to these self appointed watchmen.

They are so delusional even after reading this post they will find a way to continue peddling fear research in the name of Christ. This is why Christ said many will come in my name and these self appointed watchmen are included.  A real watchman would “watch” the Word instead of chasing fear like a dog to the mail man. In fact, watchmen in the Bible were actually prophets! Chosen men who attained a state of mind to communicate with the Most High. 

The question is what should watchmen be actually watching for? If the Bible is a spiritual book should they not be watching for spiritual things? If you can not see these spiritual things then you are not a watchman. If you must focus on nothing but physical news where is your spiritual mind?

There is a spiritual conscious transformation on this planet right now and more people are waking up . . . to spiritual things. There is an understanding prophecy must unfold and that part is God’s business and not ours. We are to work on ourselves now and evolve spiritually. This means strengthening our faith in the unseen. I envy people who had a near-death-experience because they know there is life after the physical. In fact, it is so much better most people have to be forced to return to the physical!

Then why is there a preoccupation with the physical from these self-appointed watchmen? Do you see the fallacy of their minds? They are just as dangerous as a demon taking you off the path toward Christ. They just do it in His name! Once you begin to progressively mature in spiritual matters these people will stand out like a sore thumb.

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