Revelation Now

Jennifer Lopez, Rump Shaking and Reptilian Eyes

Jennifer Lopez (JLO) is known as a triple threat because she acts, sings, and dances. She started off just dancing and after her role in the movie “Selena” her star was lit and it has never stopped burning. One of her biggest assets is her backside and the word is even that is insured. I remember watching a video by Roger Morneau where he said there is a demonic spiritual power behind all of these stars . . . not just talent. Jennifer Lopez’s first husband was blocked from releasing a tell all book where he alleges Jennifer was a member of the cult of Santeria.

This is old news in the blogoshere but it is said she placed spells on all of her boyfriends and spells to secure movie roles for herself.  Santeria uses the spirits to control the outcome of your desires and even has a child demon that will kill its target. I have heard these rumors for years about JLO; however, you will never hear them discussed in the tabloids. Quite frankly, this latest video of her and Iggy Azalia is a step back in her career. It is ashamed JLO feels Miley Cyrus is a competitor because JLO decided to break out her buns in order to make a statement.

She removed all of her class and dignity to strip down and hump air like a stripper and she is a mother! I decided to step through the video and I did catch a few questionable frames where her pupils appeared as slits. I wonder if it was because of the motion and the stop frame? I was unable to recreate the effect in subsequent frames only these. Is it possible these celebrities are sharing their bodies with serpent beings spoken of in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth?

Remember in the 8th tablet where Thoth spoke of serpent beings from another vibration underneath the earth? He said they could be banished with a certain frequency. Is a side effect from serpent possession the slit pupils from time to time? I am not sure about the slits in the eyes of JLO because like I said maybe it was using stop frame to capture it. Maybe, this is legitimate and I am just not sure. We cannot dismiss the allegations she is a member of Santeria.

Listent to the 8th tablet Emerald tablet of Thoth

I interviewed a woman who grew up in a practicing Santeria household and she was forced to drink the blood of a chicken while a priestess danced around the room. It was filled with clouds of smoke and people danced around in a circle. She testified she witnessed their eyes change and their face transform. She rebelled from her families religion and became a Christian. She said the demons and the spirits are real and they certainly will possess you especially if you offer yourself.

Is JLO possessed and a practicing member of Santeria? I am not sure but where there is smoke there is fire! She has certainly prospered during her entertainment career. I have a theory for anyone that reaches her level most make a pact with the dark forces of this world. The Bible speaks of the seed of the serpent and the Emerald tablets of Thoth speak of serpent men from another vibration. There must be a connection between these two ancient scrolls and there must be a tangible serpent which can vibrate into the host otherwise known as possession.

In closing JLO is now a suspect in this spiritual war based on her alleged affiliations with Santeria and now slit pupils in a photograph. We can only hope I am wrong and JLO is not mixed up in this dark spiritual madness. If she is she is using occult rituals for power and beauty that all involve blood sacrifice. The Most High and His Son will frown upon her and in the end JLO will end up in the lower realms of suffering. Perhaps, “JLO” is a good nickname for her after all?

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