I Can’t: Pastor Caught “Healing” Ho . . . With “Prayer Panties”

I Can’t: Pastor Caught “Healing” Ho . . . With “Prayer Panties”

It is no secret the Most High holds priest, preachers, and pastors to a different standard and I dare say most of them are doomed. When I initially started as a radio guest I was introduced to alternative “Christian” self-appointed “Watchmen” on the wall. They turned out to be “Hucksters” on the ball. There are all type of agendas for pimping Jesus and some enrich themselves while others use Him for sexual encounters.



Today I encountered a Pastor caught on a hidden camera talking to an admitted promiscuous woman and claimed she needed to take off her “ho” panties. The Pastor coaxed the lady to remove her panties and he replaced them with “Prayer Panties.” Ever heard of Jesus doing anything like this? Nothing this old horny Pastor did was steeped in Scripture. It just proves some Pastors will exploit the spiritually dead to fulfill their own needs. Ironically, the Pastor is wearing a Crown Royal (liquor) robe and you can see him pulling the “Prayer Panties” up and then caressing the knees of the woman.


Must see video!


Sadly, this is why people lose Faith in the teachings of Jesus and label Christianity as crap. Church leaders like this are doomed and I doubt they even believe the Most High is real!

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Michael Erevna

Michael is the Editor-in-Chief of RevelationNow.net fulfilling his true passion of researching and writing about Biblical scripture, ancient text, and esoteric mysteries. His book "Thy Sun, Thy Rod, and Thy Staff" is available on Amazon.com. He has appeared on "In Search Of..." with Zachary Quinto and other radio appearances.
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